
Republicans announce legislative slate in Essex and Morris County’s 27th District

March 28, 2013

By: Matt Friedman | March 26, 2013 | The Star-Ledger

A Republican property tax attorney announced today that he would try to unseat state Sen. Richard Codey (D-Essex) in the 27th District, which includes parts of Essex and Morris Counties.

The challenger, Lee Holtzman, said he would run with Assembly candidates Angelo Tedesco, a firefighter and former East Hanover coucilman; and Laura Ali, a former Chatham Township committeewoman.

“Senator Codey has spent almost four decades in Trenton squeezing every possible nickel out of New Jersey taxpayers,” Holtzman said in a statement today. “We didn’t even have a state income tax until Codey came to Trenton to vote for it . Every tax and fee increase, every job-killing regulation has had Dick Codey’s fingerprints on it. New Jersey families have been forced to flee the state in droves because Dick Codey has over-taxed them, while personally becoming a multimillionaire on the backs of those that stayed,” continued Holtzman.

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