Murphy Budget:More Spending and Debt for Government, Less Growth and Opportunity for New Jersey
February 23, 2021Trenton: Today, Governor Phil Murphy outlined his 2022 budget proposal.
Last year, the Governor forced the state to take on an unnecessary $4.5 billion in debt, only to find at the end of the year, a surplus in the budget. He raised taxes, raised fees, and increased the cost of being a New Jerseyan.
Despite our hopeful transition to a post pandemic world, the Governor’s budget proposes more of the same tax and spend liberal policies he favored before the Covid crisis. He’s proposing an increase of $4.1 Billion just this year, an increase in state spending of nearly 30% since he took office. And, he’s making sure to parcel out taxpayer money to his political cronies, showering environmental radicals and public employee unions with the people’s money.
Governor Murphy’s budget will continue the unfortunate trends that have made New Jersey the worst state to own a business in, the state with the highest out migration rates, and the state with the highest taxes.
Chairman Michael Lavery issued the following statement:
“One would think that in his first post-pandemic budget proposal, Governor Murphy would focus on the needs of the people of our state, and not the wants of his liberal agenda. Unfortunately, we’re getting more of the same cut-and-paste liberal tax and spend policy that has driven our state into more debt, placed more of a burden on our citizens, and driven one third of our small businesses to closure. Our state needs a new perspective, new ideas for a new era, and most of all, a new Governor.”