
Tuesday, June 8th, 2021
Republican Primary Election Voting Guide

If you want to ensure that Governor Phil Murphy does not win reelection and that more Republicans are sent to Trenton to be a check on the radical Democrats’ power grabs and tax-and-spend agenda, it is IMPERATIVE that you vote on Tuesday June 8th.

Please find below a list of FAQs for the Republican Primary Election on Tuesday June 8th, The Primary Election means Republicans across the state can vote to decide which Republican candidates will advance to face the Democratic candidates in the Tuesday, November 2nd General Election. On the ballot this year are elections for Governor, State Senate, State Assembly, County Commissioner, and numerous local offices (depending on your municipality).

Can I vote in person on Tuesday, June 8th?
What time are polls open for in-person voting?
  • 6AM to 8PM
Who can vote in the June 8th Primary? 
  • Any registered Republican can vote.
  • If you are an unaffiliated voter (meaning you are registered to vote but not affiliated with either political party), you are also eligible to vote on June 8th, provided that you declare yourself as a Republican with your local elections worker at your normal voting location, which can be found here: 
How has vote by mail changed in 2021?
  • Whereas in 2020, the Governor’s executive orders made the elections all vote by mail, in 2021 vote by mail ballots are by request only. If you have not received a vote by mail ballot, it is because you have not applied for one and are NOT on the permanent vote by mail list.
  • If you already received your ballot for the June Primary Election, please fill it out and return it immediately. Your ballot must be postmarked no later than Tuesday, June 8th.
Can I still vote by mail?
  • If you have already received or requested to receive a Vote by Mail ballot please fill it out and return it as soon as possible. It must be postmarked by June 8th.
  • The deadline to request a Vote-by-Mail ballot has passed. If you cannot make it to the polls on Tuesday, June 8th to vote in person, you can go to your County Clerk of Elections office and vote on a paper ballot there up until election day. If you are not sure where your County Clerk of Elections office is, please visit the following website:
What about early voting?
  • Early, in-person voting will be available for the November General Election, but will not be available for the June 8th Primary.
If I am concerned about election integrity, see something at my polling place that concerns me, or have any questions about the voting process, what should I do? 
  • Call the NJGOP headquarters and speak to our team, at 609-989-7300. You can also email [email protected].